Motorola SCADA
Process Automation and Communication for Greater Operational Control
With costs continuing to be a major obstacle to oftentimes much-needed infrastructure upgrades, you must look to technologies that can create gains in efficiency and productivity. Improve the speed and accuracy of your operations by securely automating field processes with Motorola Solutions' ACE remote terminal units (RTUs), a product line built on a history of MOSCAD success. Further expand your control by integrating the RTUs with your two-way radio system or a combination of almost any other network for encompassing data communication. Our solutions help you reduce operational downtime, optimize infrastructure efficiency and keep personnel out of potentially dangerous situations - maximizing the productivity, safety and profitability of your business.

SCADA Simplified for Less Complex Applications
Whether there is a leaking pipe or a damaged power grid breaker miles away from your control center, you need to know about it as soon as possible. The sooner you get the information, the faster you can fix the problem and avoid negative consequences.
The Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) offers new opportunities to enhance your operations across manufacturing, energy, agriculture, transportation, water utilities and other critical infrastructure sectors of the economy. It can improve the way you collect, analyze and share real-time information to help your organization make better decisions. It also enables machines and equipment to realize and correct for potential failures before they become a catastrophe. And, it allows objects to operate autonomously while being monitored by personnel from remote locations. You can’t be in multiple places at once,but with an easy-to-deploy IIoT solution you can monitor and control your system as if you were.
The versatile ACE1000 will deliver the data communication and processing you need for a diverse set of applications, without having to completely replace your current operational technologies. The compact and versatile ACE1000 Remote Terminal Unit (RTU) will facilitate higher productivity and safety quickly and easily. Additionally, you can leverage the web-based ACELogic tool to quickly and easily build data driven logical applications with a smooth and intuitive user interface.
Key Benefits:
- Easy to Configure, Install and Maintain with Simplified Web-Based Management Tool
- Interoperability across a Variety of Communication Media and Systems
- Linux OS for Greater Application Flexibility
- Large Capacity Memory for Long-Term Data Storage
- Green Performance Lowpower and Sleep Modes
- Acelogic is a Rule Based Logic Tool that allows You to Easily Program Local Automated Operations of the ACE1000 RTU and Its Connected Devices
Motorola ACE1000 Downloads
ACE1000 Remote Terminal Unit Data Sheet
The Industrial Internet of Things Brochure
ACELogic Quick Start Guide

Secure, Real-Time Process Automation And Robust Communication
Supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems are continuously relied on to support the most demanding industrial applications and keep your operations running efficiently. Keep your assets connected to enhance productivity and safety across your operations with the ACE3600 Remote Terminal Unit (RTU).
The ACE3600 aims to make automation and monitoring of your complex processes robust and cohesive by connecting across a variety of communication media and data processing protocols. Enhanced security features also ensure your operations aren’t compromised and productivity doesn’t cease.
Modular design and abundant customization enable the ACE3600 to fit your specific SCADA needs. You can start small and grow, confident that the powerful processor can handle complex applications and keep your operations connected even as your needs or technologies evolve.
Key Benefits:
- High-Performance, Real-Time Processing for Complex Control and Automation Applications
- Robust Communication Media and Protocol Support for Greater Interoperability
- MDLC Protocol Support for More Efficient Data Communication over Narrowband or Broadband
- Enhanced Security Features Internationally Tested and Certified
Motorola ACE3600 Downloads
The Industrial Internet of Things Brochure
ACE3600 Remote Terminal Unit Data Sheet
Case Studies
Integrating Networks to Enable Better Voice and Telemetry
Keeping the Lights on in the N.E. United States